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Synonyms for unappeasable

having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for unappeasable

not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In so doing, he showed graphically how great and unappeasable that stony countenance could be for a man whose very soul was enmeshed in the Navy's intense honor culture.
Conrad was vexed at being labeled a writer of the sea, observing in the 1924 Preface to Typhoon that he had in fact written very little about the sea, which had been only the setting for his study of "the unappeasable ocean of human life" (Last Essays 212; CL 6:39-40).
There you will feel an unappeasable hunger for Christ's truth.
Kehl compares Wolfe's acute perception of loneliness to Fitzgerald's and notes in their work an unappeasable yearning, or Sehnsucht (309).
Unappeasable Longings: Hawthorne, Romance and the Disintegration of Coverdale's Self in The Blithedale Romanced New England Quarterly 64.2 (1994): 257-278.
Nietzsche saw that among advanced civilizations, the ultimate collapse of the belief in God would create a vacuum that would be filled by secular ideology, the ranks of which would be filled by totalitarian politicians with a "Will to Power" that would produce a new kind of messiah, uninhibited by religious sanctions and with an unappeasable appetite for controlling mankind.
As functional objects become unusable, they perfectly represent the unappeasable nature of human desire."
The final regulations themselves were not a reflection of the beliefs and practices of the majority of Americans--or, notably, of American Catholics--but of an administration that had spent more than two years attempting to appease an unappeasable Catholic hierarchy and asking "how high" when its friends in the Catholic Health Association (CHA) demanded that it jump.
it is impossible to make any concessions to a tiger." (28) These ideas reflected deeply seated beliefs about the basic nature of the United States as an implacable and unappeasable imperialist power.
To the rehearsal of these fairly well-known arguments about the meaning of appropriation, Raysse's peculiar use of the practice, expressed in his feel for a gaseous, acerbic palette, may reveal the artist's unappeasable love for the model--no matter how debased the prototype might seem in our culture of adolescent attention spans.
At the same time, one and the other both pass almost invisibly through the course of the various great ideas of their time; one and the other both propagate readings that are difficult or impossible, as if one's apprenticeship to their work were only an unappeasable appetite, or an unsought and intuitive aptitude; one and the other both, finally, represent a crucial sort of annoyance--or monotonous sort of pleasure--within those regimes of banality and revelation that are dictionaries and indexes of names.
Blackmur, Richard Palmer 1951 "Unappeasable and Peregrine." Form and Value in Modern Poetry.
As the Buddhists say, as soon as you have managed to get the thing you wanted, you are dissatisfied, because the possession of a wished-for thing cannot satisfy the ego's unappeasable craving for more.
The betrayal of one's desire (of not having 'acted in conformity with the desire that is in you', impervious to the prescriptions instilled in us by ideology) binds us more strongly to the Law, and that concomitantly provokes in us unappeasable guilty feelings which are dispensed by an agency Lacan calls "superego" (1992: 314).