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Synonyms for tyro

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for tyro

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tyro Payments provides banking services for hospitality, retail and healthcare businesses.
With the groundwork created from the Keeping FAITH program, Ron and Catherine created the TYRO program, a holistic approach to strengthen incarcerated individuals and their families.
The 'TYRO' trials are a very good introduction to the more 'adventurous events' like the Road Taxed Vehicle Trial (RTVT) and the Cross Country Vehicle Trial (CCTV) which are more challenging for the drivers competing.
We hope, again, that Mariel passes muster as a tyro performer-especially in light of her recent no-go showing as the country's bet in the recently concluded Miss International beauty tilt.
Having worked with the youngster with Wales and at Anfield, Rush believes Woodburn's goal at the Cardiff City Stadium has heaped pressure on Reds boss Klopp to push the teen tyro into his Premier League starting line-up at Liverpool despite an embarrassment of attacking riches.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: desert; destroy; DESTROYER; deter; doest; dost; dote; doter; erst; ester; eyot; oersted; oyster; reset; resort; resorted; rest; rested; restore; restored; rete; retro; retry; rorty; roster; rostered; rote; ryot; sort; sorted; sorter; steed; steer; stere; stereo; store; stored; storer; storey; story; strode; stye; teed; teredo; teres; terry; terse; terser; tody; toed; tore; torr; torse; toyed; tree; treed; trey; trod; troy; tyre; tyred; tyro.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: eyot; pert; piety; pity; poet; poetry; port; porter; property; PROPRIETY; pyrite; report; repot; retro; retry; riot; rioter; rite; rorty; rote; roti; ryot; terry; tier; tipper; tippy; tire; tope; toper; topi; topper; tore; torr; trey; trier; trio; trip; tripe; tripper; trippy; trope; troy; type; typo; tyre; tyro; yeti.
The contestants must firstly use mystery ingredients to create a spring-roll stuffing and wrap plus dipping sauce, then the tyro cooks are split into two groups for a restaurant challenge, before - finally - each contestant prepares a two-course meal of their own design.
According to the Independent, he became an assistant to astronomer Tyro Brahe and later the imperial mathematician to Emperor Rudolf II.
Essex's teenage tyro Tymal Mills was fast-tracked on to the performance programme that specialised in limitedovers cricket last winter.
that spurred on his enthusiasm and the tyro was soon reeling 'em in again this year.
KILLER driver Jackson Tyro has delivered another heartbreaking blow to his victims' grieving parents.