typewriter ribbon

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nouna long strip of inked material for making characters on paper with a typewriter


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References in periodicals archive ?
If I had turned up for work as a cub reporter with an open-neck shirt I would have been whipped within an inch of my life with typewriter ribbon, my buttocks branded with the imprint of the editor's steel ruler.
Relying on the limited palette of ordinary typewriter ribbon colors--black, blue, red--Yackulic creates rippilng lines and suggestions of atmosphere using fields of punctuation marks to suggest texture.
That company, Kee Lox, was established in 1918 as a carbon paper and typewriter ribbon manufacturer, and early samples of its products are on display at Cannon IV'S modern 40,000-square-foot headquarters in the Cottage Home neighborhood, just east of downtown Indianapolis.
Perhaps she is in another room looking for that last typewriter ribbon, tucked away as a spare.
Army and venture firms to create a type of fabric that looks and feels similar to old typewriter ribbon, but does not smudge, can withstand direct flame and can carry an electric current
They can supply you with anything from a typewriter ribbon to a toner cartridge at prices that just can't be matched.
The founder and major owner of CFCI, he came into holography by a different route, recognising the need for his company to find new products as the typewriter ribbon business faded away.
Open at Bellerive sometime in the early 1960s, but my major impression of that event was the golf writer of the Times of London, whose paper paid for him to hire a secretary so that he could dictate his stories, without having to get his fingers inky from contact with a typewriter ribbon.
Derrida's 2001 essay "Typewriter Ribbon: Limited Ink (2) ('within such limits')" links his later concerns with existential issues such as "pardon, forgiveness, confession, fault, and the telling of truth with questions of rhetoricity, language and textuality." Rapaport does a wonderful job of interrogating Heidegger's "Letter on Humanism" showing that, contra Heidegger's denials, there are indeed, as Sartre suggests, existentialist strains in Being and Time.
The gramophone and the typewriter ribbon were patented and radio signals detected for the first time.
In August 1912, the board of commissioners purchased its first typewriter ribbon, probably for a typewriter that one of the county employees had purchased for his or her own use, the commissioners' minutes having recorded no payment for a typewriter to that date.
A few lines from Montale which serve as epigraph-on "time reversible like a typewriter ribbon," on "past and future separated by only a moment between them"-express a sense of the historical which runs both counter to the traditional and at the same time recognizes the fundamental impulse of the historical novel: its relevance to the present.
cold coffee dregs in the cup, a new pack of cigarettes, the typewriter ribbon needs replacing, and that tasteless soup for lunch again, I tolerate it in humble gratitude, hoping I'll learn to enjoy it someday.
The Rafa entry, for example, was typed on a different sort of paper from the entries preceding and following it, with different typewriter ribbon ink, and there are even oddities in the sequence of page numbers.