This patient's presenting symptoms were suspicious for an extra-uterine pregnancy following
tubal ligation. However, the negative pelvic ultrasound and endometrial curretage made GTN and ectopic pregnancy unlikely.
This randomised study evaluated whether, compared with a placebo, topical application of 1% lignocaine on the fallopian tubes reduces intra- and postoperative pain in
tubal ligation under local anaesthesia.
Negligently performed sterilization procedures such as vasectomy or
tubal ligation can form the basis for a malpractice lawsuit.
The program set numerical goals for health workers carrying out
tubal ligations, which encouraged many of them to pressure (and in many cases trick) women from distant rural hamlets into agreeing to the surgical interventions.
In women who had
tubal ligation done overall cure was 89.6 per cent with recurrence of 10.4 per cent; 91.0 per cent of BV cases cured.
Mishell points out that IUDs compare very well to
tubal ligation. The two approaches offer excellent protection against pregnancy, with IUDs being somewhat more effective than some types of
tubal ligation.
No one knows for certain why
tubal ligation and hysterectomy decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.
DCF never offered her a
tubal ligation, or her partner (father of at least three of the children) a vasectomy.
A Fortunately, for you and so many other women who have second thoughts after having a
tubal ligation, doctors say "tubal reversal surgery" has worked well for thousands of women who, after having their tubes tied, decided later that they wanted to make additions to their family.
For example, pregnant women who want to have a
tubal ligation during the same hospital stay after giving birth might not select a doctor who only has privileges at a facility that prohibits that procedure.
Concerned over the number of young women who seemingly shun contraceptives and whose education and life prospects have been permanently interrupted by the first of multiple pregnancies, Hay-Webster called for introducing compulsory sterilisation (
tubal ligation) of young women with more than three children, arguing that 'the state cannot cope with the responsibility of so many unwanted childbirths ...
Half of men reported choosing vasectomy over a reversible method because it is the most secure means of preventing pregnancy, and 62% chose vasectomy over
tubal ligation because the procedure is simpler and safer.
In a traditional
tubal ligation the fallopian tubes are cut and tied in a procedure that typically requires general anesthesia and four to five days of recovery.
Third, in 1969 only 6% preferred vasectomy and 2% preferred
tubal ligation as methods to stop births once preferred family size had been achieved.