tsetse fly

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Related to tsetse fly: tsetse fly disease
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bloodsucking African fly

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She urged stakeholders to join hands in combating tsetse fly infestation the vector kills livestock, wild animals and jeopardises economic growth.
"About four tsetse fly species are found at the Coast.
brucei gambiense DNA from isolates PT41 and B014 [12] initially isolated in Ivory Coast and Cameroon were used for analytical sensitivity and to spike tsetse fly samples, respectively.
Sleeping sickness is caused by the Trypanosoma brucei parasite, which is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly. The disease is officially known as Human African trypanosomiasis, but takes its more common name from the coma that results when the parasite penetrates the brain.
Later in the year, viewing game and the tsetse fly problem improve.
The method has already proven successful in eradicating several pests, including the tsetse fly in Zanzibar and the fruit fly in most of northern Mexico.
To a tsetse fly, a green Land Rover moving slowly through the bush and emitting carbon dioxide is "good enough for government work", which is why our 4x4s attract the attention of the flies the same as an elephant would.
This is partly because the area is prone to infestation by the tsetse fly, making it difficult to keep domestic livestock.
The tsetse fly spreads the parasitic diseases human African trypanosomiasis, known as sleeping sickness, and Nagana that infect humans and animals respectively.
A Whales B Seals C Elephants D Reindeer QUESTION 7 - for 7 points: Which disease is transmitted by the tsetse fly? A Typhoid B Legionnaires' Disease C Malaria D Sleeping sickness QUESTION 8 - for 8 points: The French cookery term 'au gratin' means the dish is cooked with what?
Wiggles worthia can live only inside a tsetse fly, and flies deprived of it don't give birth.
A Switzerland B Germany C Czech Republic D Belgium QUESTION 11 - for 11 points: Which disease is transmitted by the tsetse fly? A Malaria B Sleeping sickness C Yellow fever D Legionnaire's disease QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: Who was the first castaway on Desert Island Discs?