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Synonyms for trusteeship

a dependent country

the position of trustee

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References in periodicals archive ?
After the demise of the League of Nations, those territories were transferred to a new body, created to supplant the League's role, namely the UN Trusteeship Council.
Requests the Secretary-General to communicate to all Member States and to the Trusteeship Council at its nineteenth section the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, referred to in paragraph 3 above.
After the resumption of hostilities in July 2016, the South Sudanese government strongly rejected calls for an international trusteeship on South Sudan as it was the case of East Timor and Kosovo.
(12) Finally, Part II applies the understanding of statehood to the current situation facing island nations, and discusses both the UN Trusteeship system and precedent for non-state sovereign actors.
In November 2014, the US had drafted a proposal for UN Trusteeship known as the United Nations Assistance Mission for South Sudan, which was to be headed by a special representative of the UN Secretary General.
Later, the Gulf Initiative was an indirect trusteeship, but it was a positive measure to prevent the collapse of the country.
(2140) did not place Yemen under the international trusteeship.
From in-depth definitions of torture, the United Nations Trusteeship Council, and international financial institutions to privacy rights and positive law, this includes cross-references, discussions of rights, legal entities, and more.
The irresponsibility of the bodies of trusteeship and guardianship breaks children's fate, Armenian ombudsman's
"This is an opportune time to encourage more people to consider becoming a trustee." Information about Trustees' Week and trusteeship is available by visiting http:/trusteesweek.blogspot
Though UHW disbanded the fund when SEIU feared the entity might become a "union within the union," the charge later became the basis for placing UHW in trusteeship, but it was a charge difficult to prove.
Based on the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, the United States placed Okinawa under trusteeship, exerting legal, legislative and administrative rights until the reversion agreement came into force in May 1972.
This principle of trusteeship calls into question the efficacy of present-day expressions of sovereignty It challenges the ethical basis of loyalties that do not extend beyond the nation state.
The idea of putting Greece under trusteeship seems to have come back around.