true frog

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Related to true frog: Rana sylvatica, Ranidae, wood frog
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References in periodicals archive ?
Other anurans living today in California include the spadefoot toads (Spea, Scaphiopus; Scaphiopodidae), tailed frog (Ascaphus; Ascaphidae), true toads (Anaxyrus, Bufo, Incilius; Bufonidae), and true frogs (Lithobates, Rana; Ranidae) (Stebbins 2003; Green et al.
Frogfishes were mistaken for true frogs in the 18th century, which isn't as silly as it sounds.
It is the latest of the true frogs to breed, with breeding activity not occurring until summer.
Species infected with Bd covered a wide phylogenetic range including four species of plethodontid (lungless) salamanders, three species of toads, five hylid frogs (or "tree frogs"), and four ranid frogs (or "true frogs").
True frogs have smooth, slimy skin and webbed feet.