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Words related to triumvir

one of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome

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References in periodicals archive ?
(4) As seen in (1), Menus' purpose is to persuade Pompey to let him kill the triumvirs, and he starts this attempt at persuasion by asking questions, namely he performs speech acts, to bring about a change in Pompey's mind.
(20) These grants of territory, while certainly extensive and extravagant, were merely one part of Antonius' reorganisation of the provinces allotted to him in the East in his capacity as a Roman triumvir. (21) In fact, it has been suggested that Antonius' primary motivation for bestowing these particular territories upon Cleopatra was to provide her with sufficient timber to construct a fleet for him, not only to police the Mediterranean but also to aid him in his military campaigns.
Octavius Caesar, Triumvir of Rome, Antony's great rival.
(Latin name Marcus Antonius, c82 - 30 bc ) Roman triumvir and general.
that of his enemies, the triumvir Mark Antony was well known for his
The story concerns Mark Antony, Roman military leader and triumvir, who is desperately in love with Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and former mistress of Julius Caesar.
Servilius Caepio for having brought about the Army's defeat by the Cimbri through rashness (103), and secured Caepio's exile; served as quaestor to Marcus Antonius (grandfather of triumvir Mark Antony) in a campaign against the Cilician pirates (102-100); tried for treason for actions taken during Caepio's trial, he was acquitted through the efforts of M.
The allegation that Octavian refused a suppliant's request to bury a victim of the triumvir's anger (Aug.