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Synonyms for trig

to make neat and trim; make presentable

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for trig

the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions

neat and smart in appearance

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References in periodicals archive ?
"TRIG now has investments in each of the two largest offshore wind markets in the world."
TRIG is invested in a portfolio of 64 wind, solar and battery storage projects in the UK, France, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden including the acquisition announced here, with aggregate net generating capacity of 1,363mw.
He said: "I was alerted to the destruction of the trig point at Coombe Hill by a member of the public a couple of days ago.
STEVE KAY, Redcar & Cleveland Councillor Who better than Shaun to adorn a trig point?
Six houses were randomly selected for the study, two each for TRIG, DEET, and control.
We're confident that Trig Modern customers and clients are going to find these lines very exciting."
The King KT74 has my A150L on the STC AML, yet the Trig TT31 only has non-aerobatic 150s.
Trig Entertainment, Trig Social MediaEe's subsidiary handling all operative matters, has initiated the process to relocate relevant job functions to the countries of operation where TrigEe's future revenues will be derived in order to focus more closely on those markets.
On New Year's Day, Palin posted a Facebook picture of her son Trig, who is 6 and has Down syndrome, standing on the family dog to reach the kitchen sink.
According to Scotland-based Trig Avionics, "A UAT solution will often be more expensive" than a 1090ES-based solution because the latter uses relatively common Mode S transponders: The 978 UAT standard employs a separate transceiver--and U.S.
Trig Social Media AB (FWB: TRIG), a Swedish company that develops, manages and operates an international social media platform under the brand, announced on Monday that it has acquired 40 % of the shares of the Spanish company Filmquity S L.
Are you listenting Dave or should that be Trig. Get rid of this lot and quick.
THE Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG) looks an appealing prospect for investors looking for long-term secure income.
"The Indo-Tibetan Border Police is responsible for the negligence that they did not notice Chinese PLA incursion 10 km inside the Trig Height area," Shekhatkar said adding that the ITBP comes under the home ministry and so it was also answerable for the incursions beyond Trig Height in Leh-Ladakh area.