travel iron

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a small lightweight iron that can be carried while traveling

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References in periodicals archive ?
The Rowenta First Class Travel Iron ($39.99) is easy to use--and store.
FOR (Currys Essentials E10TIR10 travel iron, pounds 8.99 at
Travel irons are also purchased by more consumers as they are small and compact enough to be carried around.
Make sure your clothes look their best by packing this Essentials CE10TIR10 travel iron from
(5) Perfectly formed - Hinari IIN106 Travel Iron - PS9.99 from This ultra-compact de-creaser features a steam function and it''s the perfect size to pack in your suitcase, so even when you''re in foreign climes, you needn''t let your wrinkle-free standards slip.
Hinari IIN106 Travel Iron - PS9.99 from This ultra-compact de-creaser features a steam function and it's the perfect size to pack in your suitcase, so even when you're in foreign climates, you needn't let your wrinkle-free standards slip.
Design Go Travel Iron (pounds 18.95 Why waste all that precious spending money on laundry services when you can invest in this portable pressing machine.
Guests have all been sent a detailed "orientation pack" and told to pack lots of glamorous outfits - as well as mosquito repellent and a travel iron.
The Cypriots drive on the same side of the road as us and you don't even need an adaptor to plug in your travel iron or your hairdryer - perfect for the high-maintenance traveller such as myself.
She says: "If you've forgotten to pack a travel iron, use a hairdryer - a hot blast will get rid of creases."
Where do they put their hairdryer, travel iron, fourth pair of sandals and three bottles of suntan lotion of varying SPFs, for heaven's sake?
And in the past few days a stereo player, travel iron, video, mobile phone and more than 50 CDs have been taken from student addresses in Forefield Place, Claremont Road and Market Corner also in Old Town.
Other compact products include a curling duo, a retractable, collapsible curling brush and styling wand, an 800- watt travel dryer, a travel steamer, travel iron, jumbo travel rollers and folding travel mirror.
So, if she can just remember to pack a travel iron - or maybe a lacky with a travel iron - next time, it's all good.
Im-Press-ive - Design Go Travel Iron - pounds 18.95 from Why waste all that precious spending money on laundry services when you can invest in this portable pressing machine.
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