PBMCs are introduced from the endothelial side and allowed to
transmigrate to the astrocyte layer after 24 hours.
Thus a higher angulation (approximately 80[degrees]) as compared to mandibular canine might be required for an impacted maxillary canine to overcome strong anatomical barrier of median palatine suture and hence a horizontal position is more likely to
transmigrate as compared to a mesioangular position.
words, the Taiwanese people who choose to
transmigrate to China are the
Assabiyya is the set of standards of a rural based society, but is broken down in an urban society, when rural and tribal peoples
transmigrate from the rural areas to come and live in urban centers, which they start dominating due to their social cohesiveness.
It is apparent that for Barthes one should not concentrate on one art form but must set the body free to
transmigrate among heterogeneous sign systems so as to play with the plurality of the text.
(20) Therefore, leukemic cells that infiltrate the skin and those remaining in the blood may be biologically different or [JL1.sup.+] leukemic cells may not
transmigrate across dermal vessels to the same extent as [JL1.sup.-] leukemic cells.
And so the cycle of reincarnation continues as the brothers
transmigrate from lifetime to lifetime, their names changing in each incarnation, from stags to geese to swans, then wild ducks.
Is it then possible for certain souls to
transmigrate and not others?
In his opinion, one should steer clear of naturalising/ colonising a foreign text and learn to appreciate the "annoying apparatus" of translation that will truly help the reader "
transmigrate" within the Other; through literal translation, "the reader effectively makes mental turns that are [Xhosa].
Once bound, these cells can
transmigrate into the subendothelial space by following a gradient of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1).
(496-97) Sympathy gone, desire evaporated, in this passage Child has no wish to have her soul
transmigrate into the body of a distasteful fighter.
The advertisement by Jewish Unity for a Just Peace and your Editor's Note on Richard Falk (August issue) blend into each other and seem to
transmigrate into that moth fluttering around the candle.
In Hinduism, the "Cosmic Order" affects all living things (which are essentially the same) in the same way, and souls
transmigrate among all these living things.