''Yung dulo ng panukalang saligang batas na 'yan yung
transition (period)...
President Spokesman Harry Roque explained that the President actually pressed for the election of a head of the
transition government under the draft federal Constitution since he does not want any role in it.
In the revised draft charter, Duterte will instead call for an election for the
transition president and vice president within six months from ratification of the new constitution.
Mahoney will focus on
transition management services for insurance companies and financial institutions across the region.
Formerly RallyPoint/6, the USO Pathfinder program provides
transition services to those exiting the military, their spouses and families 12-18 months before their
transition and up to 12 months beyond the service member's date of separation.
The successful
transition for students with disabilities as they exit secondary education and enter adulthood requires shared responsibilities among the individual, their family, and the professionals who serve them from the K-12 system and the agencies that support postsecondary education, employment, independent living, and access to the community as they become adults.
transition is an important engineering issue of signal coordination exercises.
transition process was suggested to begin at the age of 18 or older by 43% (12/28) of pediatric urologists.
The Pediatric to Adult Care
Transitions Initiative is a collaborative effort by various specialty groups to facilitate more effective
transition and transfer of young adults, while providing a framework for pediatricians and adult care providers.
"Another big challenge is to obtain buy-in from the health system leadership and/or senior physicians in the practice to agree that
transition is something they're going invest time in.
The tool allows pediatricians to measure the knowledge and skill level of patients in the years leading to
transition age, and enables doctors to fill any gaps before the transfer occurs.
This article argues that the spectrum of power
transitions or better power
transition constellations is even broader than this and goes beyond just war and peace.
Massachusetts law requires that
Transition planning begin at age 14 and continue throughout the high school years as students prepare to journey into a full and inclusive adult life.