traction engine

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steam-powered locomotive for drawing heavy loads along surfaces other than tracks

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References in periodicals archive ?
For Anne (Wetter) Zimmerman, nothing could be as natural as operating a century-old steam traction engine. Never mind that she's young compared to many engineers ...
Meanwhile, an amazing array of traction engines, steam lorries and steam rollers will trundle around the museum.
Another exhibitor, John Johnson, showed off his 1921 Little Dorothy Burrell traction engine, while Craig Tildesley and Yaron Thau dressed as 19th Century Anglesey Hussars.
Owner Edward Clerk intended to use the traction engine to cultivate his land at Bundarra.
Steam-powered cars and traction engines also added to the tonnes of gleaming engineering on show.
THE ship keeping and land transport department of National Museums Liverpool took out the 1909 Burrell traction engine from Mann Island for a trial run in preparation for the Woodvale Rally on August 5 and 6.
A TRACTION engine used by Staffordshire County Council for more than 40 years is back on the road after being restored by volunteers.
The rally at the National Coal Mining Museum, near Grange Moor, is being held by the Leeds and District Traction Engine Club.
So to avoid her dress being caught in the steam, organisers Redcar and Cleveland Council stopped a traction engine - ferrying people from the car park - from passing the church for an hour.
"So we asked if he wanted to ride on a steam traction engine. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree."
On Saturday, the annual traction engine rally saw 11 steam-powered traction engines from across the North parade around the museum.
It was powered by a 1910 Burrell Steam Traction Engine belonging to Alan Williams, of Rossett, Wrexham.
When Sharon Walker booked idyllic St Cuthbert's Church, Kirkleatham, last year, she deliberately avoided August 8, knowing the annual Kirkleatham Traction Engine Rally was due to be held that day.
The two huge vintage steam rollers passed through the town on their way to a two-day rally being held by Leeds and District Traction Engine Club at the National Coal Mining Museum at Overton, between Huddersfield and Wakefield.
"While still on the subject of steam power, when my father lived on the London Road, opposite the old Whitley hospital during the 1930s, a traction engine headed out of the city hauling a heavy load on a trailer.