thermonuclear bomb

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Synonyms for thermonuclear bomb

a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium

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References in periodicals archive ?
A conclusive analysis will take days or weeks, but weapons experts said the sheer force of the explosion is highly suggestive of a thermonuclear bomb. Sometimes called hydrogen bombs or H-bombs, these second-generation nuclear devices entered US and Soviet arsenals in the 1950s, threatening adversaries with a vastly greater destructive force compared with atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the final days of the Second World War.
The author also highlights the suppression of information regarding these US hydrogen and thermonuclear bomb tests, information that would have been useful for worldwide assessment of the harmful effects of radioactive fallout on human bodies and on the environment.
About 900 feet (300 meters) wide, Apophis would arrive with the energy of several hundred megatons of TNT, roughly 10 times more energy than the largest thermonuclear bomb ever tested.
While doctrines may precede capability, we are now confronted with the fact that we do not have the key weapon we thought we had for inflicting massive retaliation -- a thermonuclear bomb.
British experts, however, later challenged the claims saying that the actual combined yield for the fission device and thermonuclear bomb was not more than 20 KT.(ANI)
At least once a second, a dim, elderly star somewhere in the cosmos turns into a thermonuclear bomb. Briefly outshining its home galaxy, the explosion, known as a type 1a supernova, unleashes the equivalent of [10.sup.28] megatons of TNT--enough energy to destroy an entire solar system.
One can calibrate the age of glaciers by identifying layers of ice that record a common event for which the date is known, like fallout from thermonuclear bomb testing.
Britain was 'economical with the truth' over claims to have detonated a thermonuclear bomb at Christmas Island, claims a Welsh international relations expert.
Specialists are pretty sure that the explosion happens when a white-dwarf star becomes a giant thermonuclear bomb. This should occur if a close companion star dumps enough matter onto the dwarf.
Now the country has thermonuclear bombs and ballistic missiles.