Thesaurus browser
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- take apart
- take arms
- take away
- take back
- take care
- take chances
- take charge
- take control
- take down
- take effect
- take exception
- take fire
- take five
- take flight
- take for
- take for granted
- take form
- take heart
- take heed
- take hold
- take hold of
- take home
- take in
- take in charge
- take in vain
- take in water
- take into account
- take issue
- take it easy
- take it on the chin
- take kindly to
- take leave
- take lying down
- take note
- take notice
- take off
- take office
- take on
- take one's lumps
- take orders
- take out
- take over
- take pains
- take part
- take place
- take pride
- take root
- take shape
- take stage
- take stock
- take ten
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Full browser
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- take in one's stride
- take in one's stride
- take in one's stride
- take in one's stride
- take in our belts
- take in our belts a notch
- take in our belts a notch or two
- take in our stride
- take in rear
- take in rear
- take in rear
- take in somebody's stride
- take in someone's belt
- take in someone's belt a notch
- take in someone's belt a notch or two
- take in someone's stride
- take in stride
- take in stride
- take in stride
- take in stride
- take in stride, to
- take in the neck
- take in the wrong way
- take in their belts
- take in their belts a notch
- take in their belts a notch or two
- take in their stride
- take in tow
- take in vain
- take in vain
- take in water
- take in your belt
- take in your belt a notch
- take in your belt a notch or two
- take in your stride
- take into
- take into account
- take into account
- take into account
- take into account
- take into account
- take into account (someone or something)
- take into account her
- take into account him
- take into account it
- take into account me
- take into account one
- take into account somebody
- take into account someone
- take into account someone or something
- take into account something
- take into account them
- take into account us
- take into account you
- take into confidence
- take into confidence
- take into confidence
- take into consideration
- take into consideration
- take into head
- take into heart
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