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Synonyms for systematist

a biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior

an organizer who puts things in order

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Systematists now basically agree on the core of the species concept, which is the identification of a common evolutionary line distinct from other evolutionary lines.
At the same time, a tally of papers on flowers versus those on wood in journals such as Evolution or Systematic Biology shows that while legions of evolutionary biologists and systematists see interesting issues in flowers, only a handful consider wood.
"Systematists deal with taxonomy, phylogeny--that is, recognizing evolutionary relationships among species--and ultimately, classification, in which organisms are grouped hierarchically based on their evolutionary relationships," says Hoberg.
Ants stridulate with the hindmost body section, the gaster, explains systematist Philip Ward at the University of California, Davis.
Certainly, a molecular systematist or ecologist needs to know how to sequence DNA (or at least understand the basics of sequence evolution), but I think she also needs to know how to map restriction sites and interpret ailozyme patterns.
Because of this isolation, "anything that gets [to Hawaii] had to get there from somewhere else originally," explains plant systematist Donald W.
It was of little importance to Linnaeus the theoretician, but it suited Linnaeus the practical systematist." Although Linnaeus's "motivations" for using polynomial phrase names have become obsolete, considering the practical aspects of taxonomy--his true motivation for using binary nomenclature--is not something that has become obsolete.
Lanteri, the leading systematist of the weevil tribe Naupactini in general and the Aramigus tessellatus species complex in particular (Lanteri et al.
Ideally, the construction of a cockroach phylogeny should be conducted by an insect systematist. Early in this study, we contacted a number of arthropod specialists (J.
The volume draws upon the works of more than 65 botanists, physiologists, evolutionary biologists, and systematists, who have devoted their careers to the study of different aspects of the life history of carnivorous plants.
"It must be clear at this point that those systematists who utilize communicative signals and isolating mechanisms as their principal means of locating and recognizing species are not simply studying biology as well as morphology, or simply using a wide variety of characters, as is commonly and justifiably considered desirable in bio-systematic work.
It devotes most attention, however to al-Mu'mun in Baghdad and the flowering of Mu'tazilite theology, covering Ma'mun's intellectual profile: intellectual life at court in Baghdad, the great Mu'tazilite systematists Abu l-Hudhayl and Nazzam, and the mihna.
Genus Amaranthus is often difficult to characterize taxonomically, due to few distinguishing characters among its species, small and difficult-to-see diagnostic parts, broad geographical distribution, large number of hybrid forms, complicating the taxonomy and thus has generally been considered by systematists as a "difficult" genus (Costea & DeMason, 2001).
The taxonomic resolution of species within various microcrustacean groups is another long-running goal for taxonomists, which, together with systematists, should also prepare for the various major phylogenetic groups.
Studies in this field have attracted the attention of plant morphologists and systematists to resolve taxonomic conflicts in different groups of plants [2].