system of weights

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nouna system of units used to express the weight of something

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References in periodicals archive ?
What system of weights, dating back to the Middle Ages, is used to weigh precious stones and metals?
Jacquard's contribution was to use an array of cardboard punch cards, fed into the loom automatically to direct an intricate system of weights and pulleys.
seq.), requires Federal agencies to establish implementing guidelines pursuant to metric policy to adopt the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measurements for United States trade and commerce.
The baking-hot "rollers" were kept from touching the scalp by a Heath Robinson-style system of weights suspended from a chandelier.
The separator employs a system of weights allowing the user to precisely dial in the optimal motion for a specific application.
Britain needs to end a century and half of 'dithering' and sort out its system of weights and measures, said Lord Howe of Aberavon yesterday.
system of weights and measures -- pounds, gallons, feet, etc.
One that exchanges an old system of weights and measures for a more efficient version is not.
policy that the metric system is "the preferred system of weights and measures for U.S.
The system of weights and measures in use in Britain has been developed over a period of more than 1,000 years.
TRADERS and shoppers are being reminded that the end of the millennium will mark the end of the imperial system of weights and measures.
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