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Synonyms for swerve



change of direction

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for swerve

to turn aside sharply from a straight course

to turn away from a prescribed course of action or conduct

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for swerve

the act of turning aside suddenly

Related Words

an erratic deflection from an intended course


Related Words

turn sharply

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
To learn more about Xyleme's solutions for small-medium businesses please watch the SWERVE video case study on YouTube.
"It's just a shock when they swerve out of nowhere.
The vocabulary in Swerve occasionally sends you scrambling for the dictionary, but the 50-cent words are blended in with plenty of pop and hip-hop references and a couple of south of-the-belt doozies.
Mumble Swerve is standing at stud with Pam Heasman.
He added that 641 sudden swerve accidents occurred in 2013, against the 408 reported in 2012.
"At one point an ambulance had to practically swerve off the road as he passed it.
The World Cup is the biggest market place in football and adidas are cleverly keeping their ball in the news every day as the cash registers ker-ching at pounds 79.95 a pop (pounds 14.95 for a replica) Even TV commentators are taken in, knowledgeably telling us about how much movement there was on a shot when a replay shows either no deviation at all or the sort of swerve that would have been no more than a back pass for the likes of Didi, Dirceu, Rivelino and Eder.
Two white lines marking the route along a pavement in King's Hedges Road, Cambridge, suddenly swerve. A spokesman for Cambridgeshire County Council said the lines were to guide cyclists away from a signpost.
'It was the swerve, there was so much movement on the ball.
Aisha Tyler answers these questions and many more in Swerve. Former E!
Only the quick-thinking reactions of his colleague, who hurled his extendable police baton at the windscreen causing the driver to swerve, saved the officer.
Bolger put the winner's dramatic swerve down to a hurdle lying on the ground on the inside of the rail at the furlong marker.
CARS swerve desperately to avoid a speeding 4x4 towing a caravan the wrong way down a motorway - moments before a horrific head-on smash that killed three.
SWERVE C, with a 7-3 victory over Beaumont Accountancy Nomads A in last week's fixtures in the first division of the Middlesbrough and District Table Tennis League, have put a significant dent in their opponents' hopes of winning the division.
Colonel Jamal Al Banna, Acting Director of Dubai Traffic Police, said that bus drivers and young Emirati motorists are the two groups that tend to swerve suddenly or frequently change lanes and caused many casualties last year.