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Synonyms for supine

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for supine

lying face upward


Related Words

offering no resistance

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The rat was anesthetized with isoflurane, placed supinely and fixed to keep constant position.
Furthermore, Congress did its reputation no favors by accepting it supinely as presidents unleashed extraordinary rendition, detentions at Guantanamo, enhanced interrogation, and extralegal mass surveillance.
The patients were asked to lie supinely beside beds, and their shanks of affected sides hung beside the edge of beds.
(3.) John Rothenstein states that 'his religion is not something inherited or supinely accepted, but something won through intense personal conviction' (1960, p.
Patients positioned semi-recumbently 45 degrees have significantly lower incidence of clinically diagnosed VAP compared to patients positioned supinely. (30) Moreover, the incidence of clinically diagnosed VAP among patients positioned prone, does not differ significantly from the incidence of clinically diagnosed VAP among patients positioned supine.
75 (2003) (referring to the phenomenon of "supinely acquiescent academics," who disagree with "managerialism," but do not "speak out").
Mr Johnson used a newspaper column yesterday to link the jobs threat at Port Talbot to Brussels, saying the UK had "supinely" surrendered control of key policy areas to the EU.
Therefore, lying supinely likely can narrow the upper airway because of gravity, even in patients without OSA, which can predispose patients to snoring.
He was positioned supinely on the operating table and a thigh tourniquet was used.
Following the induction of anesthesia, the patient was positioned supinely and prepped widely from the upper thigh to the nipple line.
The senior fellow at the Cato Institute further said, "Iran is a populous and potentially prosperous nation that cannot be expected to supinely accept US or Saudi domination.
Recent studies suggest that patients positioned semi-recumbently at 45[degrees] exhibit a significantly lower incidence of VAP than do patients positioned supinely. [sup][23],[24] In our VAP care bundle, the use of back-rest elevations of 30[degrees] rather than 45[degrees] was chosen to avoid the disconnection of the medical pipelines for the ICU patients.
They cannot expel them, because of the international outcry and because Palestinians could be expected to fight back; they cannot expect the growing Palestinian population to supinely accept being banished to a nominal, fragmented mini-state surrounded by Israel; and they cannot absorb Palestinians, because Israeli Jews do not want to create a demographic time bomb that ultimately transforms them into a minority.
If Scotland is to get fiscal independence, and all the other "devomax" goodies that Gordon Brown promised (without any kind of democratic mandate to do so but still supinely endorsed by Messrs Cameron, Clegg, and Miliband), then the English voters are going to demand their pound of flesh in return.
THE public appear to accept quite supinely the attitude of British management - to employ the least number of people as possible, in every supermarket and call centre, with the result that customers stand in queues or hang on the telephone for half an hour, as if this was some kind of efficiency.