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Synonyms for suavity

nounthe quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner

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References in classic literature ?
Bob Sawyer, with great suavity, and dispersing, at the same time, the tumultuous little mob of glasses the girl had collected in the centre of the table--'now, Betsy, the warm water; be brisk, there's a good girl.'
I attended to all the ghastly formalities, and the urbane undertaker proved that his staff was afflicted, or blessed, with something of his own obsequious suavity. Even the woman who performed the last offices for the dead remarked to me, in a confidential, brother-professional way, when she had come out from the death chamber,
"Ah!" said Mazarin, with admirable suavity, "could I but find such men!"
'There is a little business where he would be most useful - in the South,' said Lurgan, with peculiar suavity, dropping his heavy blued eyelids.
"I confess again," replied the Count, with much suavity, "that I am somewhat at a loss to comprehend you; pray, to what particulars of science do you allude?"
Of a light composition, this is altogether one of the most complete in point of suavity we have witnessed for many months.(36)
It is Jerome, again, who expresses another qualification to the positive orthodoxy of the period; with characteristic gruffness, he dismisses the notion that psalmody need display Niceta's 'suavity of song'.
Delicate in the sense John Ashbery uses it about Bishop, "not in the sense of softness or suavity but in the sense of a rigorously conceived mathematical instrument." Millier's sound and subtle biography is perfectly calibrated to her subject's style, particularly her famous reticence.
Gianandrea Noseda, with his masterful grasp of Verdian style, elicited tonal brilliance and tantalizing suavity from the London Symphony Orchestra, which in turn contributed a touch of Falstaffian wit with technical assurance to exemplify Verdi's orchestral genius.
tous deux au bord duflot qui passe.., seems to imply a single long rhythmic group, and lends the melodie a subtle, beguiling suavity and flow that is such a trademark of Faure, and so appropriate to the floating stream and clouds of the poem.
Was there ever anybody who represented suavity and charm more completely than Fred Astaire?
Bruce Adams, in the role of the expatriate French plantation owner, Emile De Becque, easily brings out the suavity of his character, but there's a slightly detached quality to his performance - as if he isn't fully emotionally invested in his passion for Ensign Nellie Forbush, the Naval nurse from Little Rock, Ark., who falls in love with him.
2; there are two in the exhibition, small miracles of suavity and grace), in which the influence of Raphael gradually gives way to that of Botticelli.
Just as the creaturely messiness grounds the rhetorical suavity in these passages, so the implicit swipes at the Restoration court subtend the universalized descriptions of human folly.
This kind of strength, suavity and sophistication add up to the ultimate franchise role, and the one meal ticket on which any actor could retire.