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Synonyms for stupidity

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for stupidity

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Anthony Smith, a leadership coach, explains what he calls a "system of stupidity".
What I cannot understand is stupidity. Stupidity is another kind of animal.
Binmen's stupidity blocked the street I BELIEVE that the binmen are getting out of control and should perhaps be taught how to do their jobs again.
awmakers from the opposition bloc in the House of Representatives deplored yesterday the 'stupidity' displayed by Department of Agriculture (DA) officials led by Secretary Emmanuel Pinol in proposing plans to import more rice and fish as well as legalize rice smuggling.
CRASHED construction giant Carillion has "dumped" its last 341 apprentices in a move branded "crass stupidity".
"That said this new act we have seen brings these people to a whole new level of stupidity. This takes what we consider to be an environmental issue into a potentially very serious public safety issue."
Witness can't believe 'the sheer stupidity' of bridge boys who risked their lives and others' just for a selfie TWO boys were spotted scaling the arches of a bridge...just to take selfies.
NETWORK Rail has slammed the "stupidity of lorry drivers" who crash into railway bridges.
By NEIL LANCEFIELD News Reporter NETWORK Rail has slammed the "stupidity of lorry drivers" who crash into railway bridges.
Summary: The disturbing video surfaced on Wednesday and went viral with many netizens describing the stunt as "height of stupidity"
He said:"Your solicitor suggested your driving was a matter of stupidity - it was far worse than that, it was extremely dangerous."
But then considering the Brexit negotiations, he's more inclined to pile stupidity on stupidity (his words, not mine!) Bill Newham
He said: "The stupidity and the evil of the Haqqani network in the kidnapping of a pilgrim was eclipsed only by the stupidity and evil of authorising the murder of my infant daughter.
"The stupidity and evil of the Haqqani network's kidnapping of a pilgrim and his heavily pregnant wife engaged in helping ordinary villagers in Talibancontrolled regions of Afghanistan was eclipsed only by the stupidity and evil of authorising the murder of my infant daughter," he said.