strike pay

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money paid to strikers from union funds

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References in periodicals archive ?
Specifically, limited funds meant that the union could not provide striking Muckamuck workers with much strike pay. Although the union did manage to provide strike pay for the entire strike, workers could not make ends meet with the amount--between $50 and $100 a week--and so financial need forced many striking Muckamuck employees to seek temporary employment elsewhere.
Miners' families were forced to live on as little as PS20 a week as the DSS wrongly believed they were getting strike pay.
I have been to Tolpuddle Martyrs' Museum and read about the start of the unions, and nowhere was there a mention of leaders on pounds 100,000, dining in fancy restaurants, driving posh cars and enjoying the high life while their members struggle on strike pay if they are lucky.
When they are faced with having to choose between indefinite subsistence strike pay and remaining on the job for full pay and benefits, some workers will inevitably be inclined to continue to work.
I went without any pay for that period of time and I did not receive any strike pay from the union either.
The company and union agreed to end a one-month strike so the workers could collect unemployment benefits, instead of $30 to $40 weekly strike pay As well, the company would pay worker benefits, which cost them millions of dollars.
Strike pay has been increased from pounds 30 a day to pounds 45 for the current strike period, and Unite is considering offering interest-free loans of pounds 1,000 for hardship cases.
STRIKE pay was increased yesterday to British Airways cabin crew as they launched their latest wave of five-day walkouts in their bitter row with the airline.
Mr Woodley also revealed the union had paid out almost pounds 1 million in strike pay, pledging that Unite would not allow the airline to "starve" staff back to work.
Letters must often compress a great deal of ore into a small seam-they make a virtue of their own impoverishment--and the best letter-writers are those who strike pay dirt with the least amount of spadework.
If the strike pay them BD10 or 20 to keep them going.
This was then made into food parcels, to help sustain the miners' families on their meagre strike pay.
When I did strike pay dirt, watching a 1-inch needle flexing back and forth in the thigh of a squirming toddler was more than I could take.