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Synonyms for stridency

having the timbre of a loud high-pitched sound

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In fact, there has been a marked stridency in the tenor of the members of the ruling coalition with their no-holds-barred attacks on the security establishment.
Chief among them is a harsh stridency in anything above the staff and a curdled tone at almost every climax.
"Xenophobic and racist responses to refugees and migrants seem to be reaching new levels of stridency, frequency and public acceptance," U.N.
The street protests grew in number and stridency, and the Marcos administration's response became more and more vicious.
It hangs together quite cohesively without ever expressing its own identity with any stridency.
Thus, at a time when the UK faces a massive range of challenges from Russia's new stridency, a migration crisis in Europe, and a continued terrorist threat, Britain desperately needs a more outward-looking and self-confident international posture.
But, made with crushed chick peas and mashed potatoes to mitigate the stridency of the cheese, it was surprisingly light.
Almagro once said in an interview that he was often accused during his tenure as foreign minister of being "too driven by ideology." Perhaps for that reason, in his March 18 acceptance speech, he promised to be "a tireless fighter for the unity of the Americas, more concerned with seeking practical solutions to the enduring problems of our region than with rhetoric and stridency in statements guided by one ideology or another."
I also expect to wake up one morning very soon to find that we now have at least eight female premiers, largely because the Canadian electorate got totally fed up with the stridency of male politicians.
Adamancy, sternness or stridency would certainly cost him very dearly.
It was full of controlled passion and a stridency which lifted the spirits.
The policy remains in effect, but the stridency of Wellmont's continuing implementation has been subdued, as have threats to employees' jobs.
The threats traded by Russia, Syria, Hizbullah with Israel have reached a new pitch of stridency. Israel's National Security Adviser Yakov Amidror was quoted Wednesday night as warning that if the Russian S-300 anti-air missiles are delivered to Syria, Israel will strike them and prevent their deployment for operational use.