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something that encourages

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References in periodicals archive ?
However, scientists suspect that dopamine might still play a key role in the success of deep brain stimulation.
To study the change in dopamine levels after deep brain stimulation more precisely, the researchers went in search of other ways to track this chemical messenger in the brain.
Citation: Shan Ping Yu et al., Optochemogenetics Stimulation of Transplanted iPS-NPCs Enhances Neuronal Repair and Functional Recovery after Ischemic Stroke.
(13) Transcranial magnetic stimulation also may make it possible to achieve similar efficacy as ECT with fewer cognitive adverse effects when used in combination with ECT to reduce the number of acute ECT treatments required or as part of a maintenance strategy after a patient experiences an acute response to ECT.
Previous investigators have reported that direct electrical stimulation of other parts of the brain can trigger laughter, but the demonstration that anti-anxiety effects observed with cingulum bundle stimulation can provide meaningful clinical benefits make this study distinct, says senior author Jon T, Willie, MD, PhD, who performed the surgeries reported in the paper.
The aims of this study were to obtain reliable and reproducible evoked auditory brainstem responses elicited by electrical RW stimulation using a new method of stimulation, which provides stimulation identical to that provided through a CI, and to compare the results using monopolar and bipolar configurations.
All participants underwent ten daily sessions of stimulation for 2 weeks under one of the two different conditions.
Rather than use a high level of stimulation as punishment, Jim ensured that the early foundation and boundaries were seated in place, then used low-level stimulation as a "tap on the shoulder." When a command was given, and the dog broke, low stimulation served as a virtual check-cord, and re-gained the dog's attention without diminishing his drive, style or intensity.
Vague nerve stimulation was performed experimentally for the first time more than 150 years ago [5].
The global neuromodulation devices market segmentation is based on technology (spinal cord stimulation devices, deep brain stimulation devices, sacral nerve stimulation devices, vagus nerve stimulation devices, gastric electric stimulation devices).
The devices were randomized to give a non-painful sham stimulation at a very low frequency (controls) or a nonpainful active stimulation at one of four levels (active treatment).
targeting the ventral intermediate nucleus (VIM) of the thalamus [1], deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a key player in the treatment of PD.