stereoscopic vision

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nounthree-dimensional vision produced by the fusion of two slightly different views of a scene on each retina


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The ARTAS robot is suitable for most patients, both male and female, and its HD stereoscopic vision can analyse, monitor and track each hair 60 times a second.
Roger Saunders has taught Indigenous Australian children to appreciate stereoscopic vision within the artistic process by using colour in specific ways to create stereoscopic images.
Other refractive errors include "Amblyopia" or "lazy eye" which involves reduced clarity of sight in one eye which cannot be corrected by using glasses or contact lenses, this result to loss of stereoscopic vision and perception.
The interpupillary distance (ID) is the distance measured between the centers of the pupils, and it is important for the creation of the stereoscopic vision, which results in a single tridimensional image [1, 2].
Alternatively, stereoscopic vision can also be employed; this adds another dimension to 2D grayscale images.
So, Saxena is building on methods he previously developed to turn a flat video camera image into a 3-D model of the environment using such cues as converging straight lines, the apparent size of familiar objects and what objects are in front of or behind each other -- the same cues humans unconsciously use to supplement their stereoscopic vision.
The topics include forward projection for use with iterative reconstruction, comparing focus measures under the influence of various factors affecting their performance, stereoscopic vision for off-road intelligent vehicles, stereo vision for robots that detect and suppress fires in buildings, using three-dimensional scanner techniques in the morphological study of meteorite impact rocks, and subject-independent facial expression recognition from three-dimensional face models using deformation modeling.
It does so with the help of facial and object recognition software and two cameras to give it stereoscopic vision.
Italy's Surgica Robotica worked with University of Verona to develop Surgenius, a surgical stereoscopic vision robot.
In reading Andrade Tudela's work at the intersection of these two references we may find a good indicator of the nuance he commands, a kind of stereoscopic vision in itself: one eye trained on the codification of an aesthetic and social history, and the other on its emancipation.