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Synonyms for stare

stare someone in the face


  • be obvious
  • be clear
  • be evident
  • be apparent
  • be blinding
  • be plain
  • be patent
  • be unmistakable
  • be self-evident
  • be crystal clear
  • be as plain as the nose on your face
  • be right under your nose
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for stare

to look intently and fixedly

an intent fixed look


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for stare

a fixed look with eyes open wide

look at with fixed eyes

fixate one's eyes

Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
| LOOKS: No matter how long you stare, the window always wins
If judges have power to invest the Constitution with meaning, a theory of stare decisis that accords dispositive or meaningful decision-altering force to a prior decision at variance with the meaning with which a judge today would invest the Constitution (according to some other criteria) corrupts the interpretive theory of judicial power to give the Constitution meaning by virtue of judges' decisions.
Jeffrey Senger, who is senior counsel in the Department of Justice Office of Dispute Resolution and author of the 2003 book Federal Dispute Resolution: Using ADR with the United Stares Government, notes that resource-related disputes are good candidates for ADR, which refers to ways of resolving disputes without resorting to litigation, usually with the help of a neutral mediator.
Information Collection Plan Execution--Employment of Gorgon Stare
"If boys would not stare at girls than whom they should stare at.
The doctrine of stare decisis protects the legitimate expectations of those who live under the law, and, as Alexander Hamilton observed, is one of the means by which exercise of "an arbitrary discretion in the courts" is restrained.
They never miss a detail.Not only do they stare at me but they also stare at whoever comes to visit me.
According to local media reports, Tonghang allegedly drove his car near a warehouse and loudly honked his horn, prompting the workers to stare at him.
According to the rules, contestants had to stare into blankly for long hours without talking, sleeping, laughing or using smartphones.
However, her mum Amber Ibrahim, from Sheldon, is fed-up with people who keep stopping to stare at the sevenmonth-old.
She couldn't help but stare at him And he just stared right back.
Furthermore, with the exception of one study (Thalbourne & Evans, 1992), there have been no distinctions drawn between the experience of the role of the starer (i.e., staring at someone remotely and watching the person turn around) and the role of the staree (i.e., feeling the remote stare of another and turning around) in order to see if one role is experienced more frequently than the other.