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Synonyms for standoffishness

a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
His standoffishness and chilly intellectualism alienate him from his men and result in both his inability to "read" Claggart and a faulty suspicion of mutiny.
Even greater standoffishness can be found in the societies' stance toward politics.
Of particular interest here is to watch how the young drifter who reeks of transcendental, otherworldly standoffishness effortlessly draws out the anger of the old school police investigator (Park Dongjin).
Yost said, but the standoffishness ends with an introduction.
Even Vajpayee never ran the risk of agreeing to PSI participation, so a certain standoffishness on Singh's part is natural in light of domestic politics.
These buyers say content had nothing to do with their standoffishness, but this edition of "Survivor: Cook Islands" ignited blasts of criticism from politicians and interest groups upset with the show's breaking down the four rival teams according to race.
With her reputation for standoffishness, she and Sylvanus make an odd pair and when three pregnancies and three dead babies occur, she becomes even more reclusive.
By the third century, the Oral Law had taken on its fixed form, and some of its statements could be taken by the Romans as examples of Jewish "standoffishness." (14) "As a minority dependent on the goodwill of their Roman overlords," says Mann, "the Jews could hardly afford to confirm such a view." (15)
Much of the standoffishness of Nineteenth Century Lutheranism was a belief that Lutheran doctrine was superior to the theology of Anglo-American evangelical Protestantism, id.
Schwarzenegger's standoffishness should come as little surprise.
I think his standoffishness may possibly have something to do with the fact that I took him to the vet this week.
Mr Michel expressed his disappointment to Europe Information regarding the member states standoffishness, arguing that it contradicts their repeated declarations in favour of development.
Judgmental attitudes, standoffishness and exclusion are other things he balks at--characteristics Dunn calls "the antithesis of what Christianity should be about."