spoken language

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References in classic literature ?
It has grown with the growth of the planet's learning and scientific achievements, but so ingenious a thing it is that new words to express new thoughts or describe new conditions or discoveries form themselves--no other word could explain the thing that a new word is required for other than the word that naturally falls to it, and so, no matter how far removed two nations or races, their spoken languages are identical.
They know that the Sagoths have a spoken language, but they cannot comprehend it, or how it manifests itself, since they have no auditory apparatus.
This edition is also directly relevant for parents, listeners, and spoken language specialists as well as speech-language pathologists, audiologists, early childhood instructors, and teachers.
The researchers used advanced analyses to show that these brain regions form a hierarchy, starting from the back of the brain and moving forward, connecting memories of the visual symbols to the aspects of spoken language they represented in the experiment.
The parents are struggling to do their best for children who are only partially able to access spoken language, yet who have the capability to learn a visual language and a spoken language, but are often denied opportunities to do so.
Although the most commonly spoken LANGUAGE, Polish usually taught in schools Arabic was a first language for 159,000 individuals, ahead of the 147,000 people who spoke French as their main language.
the most commonly spoken LANGUAGE, Polish usually taught schools Arabic was a first language for 159,000 individuals, ahead of the 147,000 people who spoke French as their main language.
New York University (NYU) students Heng Li, Jacky Chen and Mingfei Huang created an augmented reality (AR) application that instantly translates sign language into spoken language, and vice versa.
Hindi is the fourth-most commonly spoken language in the world, after Mandarin, Spanish and English (in respective order).
(1) "Court records" mean the contents of the court file, including the progress docket and other similar records generated to document activity in a case, transcripts filed with the clerk, documentary exhibits in the custody of the clerk, and electronic records, video tapes, or stenographic tapes of depositions or other proceedings filed with the clerk, and [begin strikethrough]electronic records[end strikethrough], videotapes [begin strikethrough]or[end strikethrough], stenographic tapes, and electronic records of court proceedings, including electronic records in the form of audio recordings of the English and non- English portions of proceedings interpreted by a spoken language court interpreter when such audio recordings are required to be made and retained by law or rule of court.
"Would you like to embark on learning the 4th most spoken language in the world, or to go back to your roots?
It has published a total of 80 books so far on various genres of Hindko which is second main language of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and sixth widely spoken language of the country.
In the final paper, Relating students' spoken language and reading comprehension, Ann Daly reports on her doctoral research that investigated the relationship between students' spoken language and their reading comprehension test scores.