spoils system

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nounthe system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power

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References in periodicals archive ?
You can judge for yourself how staffing and running a foreign policy establishment through the spoils system is working out for our country now that our margin for error has been reduced by "the rise of the rest" since the end of the Cold War.
Pushback / Looking at the sweep of history, we have gone from a bad situation in early America where the spoils system of patronage gave the people high-cost, inefficient public services to the fairly good system of largely nonpartisan civil service, and now back to a new sort of spoils system controlled by the public employee unions.
So, instead of ruing, why not to institutionalize the practice as have the Americans done under their spoils system.
"Our turn at the spoils system. Our turn to be just as venal as Democrats."
Kett viewed the political spoils system as a system for the mass distribution of public jobs in a similar light to the new merit systems being implemented in the colleges.
Strengths of the text include explanation of the spoils system and the glossing of patronage, militia, and annexation.
For all the attention Brown's case received, the systemic costs of the spoils system aren't commonly considered.
Batchelder and Alexander write that the use of "at-will" employment practices (1) have come full circle from the spoils system, through the merit-system, and are returning now to a modified political patronage system: managers should receive institutional incentives, encouragement, and support to develop and augment their personnel-related management techniques and strategies.
Modern government is a political spoils system in which citizens often elect representatives for the express purpose of redistributing wealth, regulating business, restricting property rights, and doling out costs and benefits to various interest groups.
The impact of the state's spoils system goes beyond the hiring and promotion of less-than-ideal candidates; one must ask what better qualified candidates with clean records were passed over for the position Ms.
In his valedictory address to civil servants in April, which this newspaper accessed, Mr Chatterji had advised civil servants to shape up to the modern era and avoid treating their service as being part of some sort of a spoils system.
Analyst Terry Lynn Karl says: "In the manner of a petro-state, rent seeking had become the central organizing principle of the [country's] political and economic life, and the ossified political institutions in existence operated primarily to perpetuate an entrenched spoils system. Both state agencies and political parties had given up their programmatic roles to become machines for extracting rents from the public arena".