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Synonyms for southwester

a strong wind from the southwest

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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"The rooms are larger than average and they are fully air-conditioned to ensure that our guests will be comfortable whether a bergwind or a stiff southwester is blowing."
The Titans will be back in action on Wednesday when the team host Southwester Oregon Community College for a 7 p.m.
Passion Fire & Grace is an excellent a corrective for those who think they're heard everything one can hear in Southwester Flute, or that it begins and ends in the New Age section of iTunes, It doesn't'.
Weatherization Porstmouth NH Southwester Community $2,601,788 Services Inc.
Limit, a newly-launched Reichel/Pugh 62, won the start and was never headed as the 75-boat fleet raced around the broad waters of the Derwent estuary in a chilly southwester, which gusted up to 28 knots.
The southwester wind, whose speed rose up to 80 km/h, affected life negatively in Marmara region.
Limited to perform all sized of pipeline, station and utility construction work in southwester Ontario.
"A new wave of evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement." Southwester Educational Development Laboratory: National Center for Family & Community Connection with School.
Louis Post-Dispatch, and then saw him standing there in the Spanish Pavilion lobby, I couldn't resist using this lead: "Tail, with a patrician air, David Halberstam looks as though he just came over the side of a Hinckley Bermuda Southwester Sloop.
Ruby features a look reminiscent of carves southwester motifs; Empire was inspired by the Empire State Building; and Distinction is a contemporary take on the classic fleur-de-lis motif.
He said chiefs in his Southwester Ontario organization are hopping mad and pledging to defy the policy edict from the federal department.
Wal-Mart, SBC Southwester Bell, and NECTechnologies used Mr.
As Executive Pastry Chef of Tapika's Southwester cuisine and the no-nonsense menus at the carnivorous Michael Jordan Steak House and the Strip House, Brachman has found a home for his personal spin on the world of desserts.
These frictions culminated in violent Dadaohui attacks on Christian communities in southwester Shandong and northwestern Jiangsu in the summer of 1896.
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