song and dance

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Synonyms for song and dance

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for song and dance

theatrical performance combining singing and dancing

an interesting but highly implausible story

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The social media potential of the song and dance was also a factor.
Intermediate Classical Trios B Jones, O Fearnley and O Bradbury Intermediate Cabaret Trios E Sykes, L McGinty and K Bradbury Senior Classical Trios A Mair, L Jordan and E Sykes Senior Cabaret Trios Z Jones, H Jordan and A Brodie Highest Marked Song and Dance A Brodie Most Promising Senior A Brodie Senior Acts Trophy Audrey Spencer School of Dance.
For more major events such as high school or college graduations, returning home from service, a more formal honoring song and dance will be done.
4 (1997): 75-103; Clyde Ellis, "`We Don't Want Your Rations, We Want This Dance': The Changing Use of Song And Dance on the Southern Plains," Western Historical Quarterly, forthcoming.
Highest Mark Song and Dance Trophy: Z Clarkson and Z Jones.
This audience, by and large impervious to Hollywood products, expects three hours of pure escape: beautiful, glamorous stars: romantic, happily-ever-after stories; exotic locales; and lavishly staged song and dance extravaganzas.
Cinematographer Declan Quinn's even lighting and highly mobile handheld camera enter wholeheartedly into film's frothy spirit, while the musical score by Mychael Danna, who has worked extensively with Atom Egoyan and Ang Lee, imitates Bollywood's song and dance mania with traditional love songs, Indian pop, jazz and folk music.
Pacific Northwest Ballet's closing program of the season, "Song and Dance," included social commentary, satire, and a rich variety of music, song, and dance forms--from jazz to neoclassical ballet.
National Song and Dance Company of Mozambique Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts Brooklyn, New York February 2, 2002
ALTHOUGH SOME OF THE CEREMONIAL ASPECTS OF YUP'IK and Inupiaq (the Eskimo of northwestern Alaska and northern Canada) dance are no longer present, the reasons for dancing remain much the same as 150 years ago: to share family history, give life lessons, convey valuable role models, and celebrate traditional lives through storytelling in song and dance. The dance also promotes self-esteem and community identity.
From those travels, Darmet brought back song and dance from the four comers of Asia.