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Synonyms for softheaded

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for softheaded

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Equal artists seldom can stand each other--so you slip into a circle of softheaded, dislocated bohemian worshippers, and any fool thing you do or say goes.
This ''knock and announce'' rule is not a newfangled creation of softheaded liberal judges.
Is identifying and delivering a spirit of service and sacrifice to our chosen communities of affinity far more than softheaded sentimentalism?
This appeal to authorial objectivity, even toward one's own suffering, finds its fulfillment in Jake's empiricism and literary antiromanticism, rigorous "mental masculinities" that are contrasted with Cohn's softheaded literary approach.
In a duck-the-issue, softheaded, e-mailed response (he would not talk to this reporter), Enderle said he made the decision "to help our students prepare for their spring production absent any residual criticism and attention that may have resulted from the problems experienced with the full production."
Paul Powers of Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, got it right: "Softheaded spiritualism is its own form of fundamentalism.
One of its motivating tenets, shared by both tightwad Midwestern Rotarians (feeling betrayed by FDR and LBJ) and former fellow travelers (feeling betrayed by Stalin and the '60s), was the belief that the left had lost its senses in a festival of appeasement and softheaded idealism.
The fragile pastoral consensus about the mode of Walden has been particularly threatened of late by ecocritical assessments of Thoreau's work, which have reexamined the naturalism Marx discounts as softheaded nature worship, to find in Walden and elsewhere (especially the late writings) a serious engagement with ecology and a flirtation with ecocentric ways of enacting the relationship between the aesthetic and the natural that seem to portend the pastoral-preservationist strain of twentieth-century American environmentalism.
The idealist approach is typically dismissed as softheaded and naive while the realist attack plan is frequently accepted as the only "rational" course of action.
American Splendor (Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini) Softhearted but not softheaded, the story of comic-book author Harvey Pekar finds affirmation in crankiness.
This is why communicators are often not granted a seat at the coveted "strategic table." To executives, we can look like disapproving grannies or softheaded liberals.
Indeed Weaver's reviews crackle with a pungent and mettlesome censoriousness too seldom seen in our unmanned and invertebrate age: "His position as a whole is so confused that one cannot be certain what he had in mind"; "this is an essentially softheaded book"; "A mid a perfect forest of banality and truism there are but a few shoots of original perception"; "This essay is an amazing tissue of presumption and innuendo"; "Filled with halting sentences and fumbling diction, many passages of this work are a torture to get through." But meritorious work receives glowing accolades: "one may admire the magnitude of his conception and the profundity of his reach...the work of an intellect of the first or der"; "...a fine piece of biographical research and execution.
In the 1980s and 1990s, it became fashionable to believe that constraints on the free market were misguided and softheaded, and that allowing business leaders a free rein to make profits in any way they could would benefit the economy.
In our MI community and other professions dealing in global affairs, we often hear the term "globalization" used as a softheaded blandishment and instant response to difficult questions about the geopolitical realities that affect our operations.