soft pedal

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Words related to soft pedal

a pedal on a piano that moves the action closer to the strings and so soften the sound

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"We're concerned the UK are using the withdrawal from the EU to justify a new 'hard-nosed' approach to trade which could mean soft-pedalling on human rights overseas."
And figures suggested the Conservatives are deliberately soft-pedalling on his patch to help their Coalition partner win.
"There will certainly be no soft-pedalling on reforms," she told The Sunday Times.
PRIME Minister David Cameron has denied soft-pedalling on human rights in China to improve his chances of securing business deals for Britain.
Or does the sudden soft-pedalling reflect our generally diminishing international status, with the army to be cut by 17,000 soldiers to its smallest size since the Boer War?
Tewari refuted allegations that the government had been soft-pedalling the 2G scam.
Dubai Families of Air India crash victims are accusing the airline and its lawyers of soft-pedalling on the compensation claims, and are considering taking legal recourse.