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Synonyms for sodoku

the form of ratbite fever occurring in the Far East

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Instead he's glued to the tablet playing Sodoku and practicing his virtual golf swing.
Everyone is partial to puzzles.Apart from Sodoku. Stupid numbers and need for an IQ.
There were side-effects of course, so while his Sodoku abilities improved, the concomitant decrease in dopamine obliged him to self-medicate with homemade vodka, which led to a marked decrease in his willingness to train, which had to be counteracted with steroids, which had their own side-effects, all of which he understood now but was also utterly helpless to change.
He thoroughly enjoyed solving the Sunday crossword and Evil Sodoku puzzles.