smoothhound shark

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Synonyms for smoothhound shark

smooth dogfish of European coastal waters

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References in periodicals archive ?
All ridqeback sharks are prohibited, except for Tiger, Oceanic Whitetip, or Smoothhound Sharks
All Ridgeback Sharks Are Prohibited, except for Tiger, Oceanic Whitetip, and Smoothhound Sharks
A preliminary study of the age and growth of the smoothhound shark Mustelus mustelus (Triakidae).
According to the Shark Research Institute, female common smoothhound sharks can reach at least 5.4ft in length, while males reach 3.6ft.
Albinism in embryo gray smoothhound sharks, Mustelus californicus, from Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California.
Life history and diet of two southern African smoothhound sharks, Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mustelus palumbes Smith, 1957 (Pisces: Triakidae).
CHLAMYDOSELACHIDAE (Frill Sharks) Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman, 1884 Frill shark TRIAKIDAE (Smoothhound Sharks) Mustelus canis canis (Mitchill, 1815) Dusky smoothhound, Smooth dogfish Mustelus canis insularis Heemstra, 1997 Antillean smoothhound Mustelus higmani Springer and Lowe, 1963 Smalleye smoothhound Mustelus norrisi Springer, 1940 Florida smoothhound, Narrowfin smoothhound Mustelus sinusmexicanus Heemstra, 1997 Gulf smoothhound ODONTASPIDAE (Sand Tiger Sharks) Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810) Ragged-tooth shark, Smalltooth sand tiger shark (1) Nakaya, K.
ere more than 50 severed heads and ns of smoothhound sharks turned up.
However, vertebral centra with systematic deposits of calcium phosphate, have been used for age estimation in a number of elasmobranch species such as the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini), and several smoothhound sharks (Mustelus spp.) (Cailliet, 1990).