shrink-wrapped software

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software on CD-ROMs that are boxed and shrink-wrapped and sold in stores (implying a widely supported standard platform)

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References in periodicals archive ?
Disk Servers: An Alternative Made Possible by Shrink-Wrapped Software
But unlike other paradigms, new capabilities might arrive in the next release and they can be implemented in the same way you upgrade other shrink-wrapped software -- without expensive professional services.
Marketing tactics: Intuit's shrink-wrapped software is "an incredibly powerful tool" for service marketing, Heeger points out.
These provisions therefore attempt to answer the more difficult characterization issue involving shrink-wrapped software and functional equivalents, namely, whether they should be considered either the sale of tangible property or licensed copyrights.
As a result, property taxes in Washington state are only paid on shrink-wrapped software less than three years old, said Joe Simmonds, a revenue manager in Washington's state capital, Olympia.
Shrink-wrapped software prices were still relatively high and retailers were paying attention to business customers.
Gable TV is now able to provide links to data networks such as the Internet; shrink-wrapped software offering a graphical interface to "the net" is starting to appear.
Shrink-wrapped software companies are often surprisingly clueless about what their customers need to build a complete solution, so the "everything you need..." approach can send a powerful competitive signal if the other guys are just selling software tools.
Enterprise software companies know one magic trick that still baffles most shrink-wrapped software developers: How to make money from support.
According to research firms that survey end users, service performance (which, in the shrink-wrapped software world, usually means tech support) now ranks as one of the top two or three checklist items for comparing rival vendors.
Direct response buyers are optimistic about online delivery: According to the same survey, UCA&L'S customers now buy only 3% of their software through the Internet and other online channels, but 62% say they'd buy electronically "if modem speeds were fast enough." Moreover, 68% are convinced that online channels will grow in importance in the near future, and many are pretty open-minded about alternatives to buying traditional shrink-wrapped software: 55% find software rental attractive, and 74% like the idea of buying "subscription" products.