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Related to shit: sheet, Shet
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Synonyms for shit

dash it


beat or kick the shit out of someone

not give a shit


  • not care
  • not mind
  • not be interested
  • not be concerned
  • not be bothered
  • not give a damn
  • not give a monkey's

the shits

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for shit

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Instead of 'shit' let us change it to 'unfortunate incident' (happens)," Dela Rosa told ANC' "Headstart" Monday.
A year or two ago I would be buying and skating them but now that they're making so much good shit, I'm just skating what they're making.
"Piece of Shit" would clearly have worked as an alternate title for Young's song, but possibly wouldn't be as well suited to this litany of complaints about shoddy purchases.
the only mechanism left is for speakers actually to produce the offending articles, and then, having discovered what they've done, to remove them ('My God, I've just said "please shit the door"; better change it to shut').
I think that he completely, 100 percent, deserved it for the shit that he did.
Let's be honest, these cheap processed meats are 80 per cent water, so a bit of dog shit might add some taste.
"To me, I believe shit is shit and painting is painting.
We're still living in a world of shit, a lot of the shit is homophobic, all the shit's interrelated, and the fight is far from finished.
John Brannon wrote some of the hardest shit that'd make anybody stand up and fight for what they want.
And shit, man, my family is out there: the Papa Satan, Mama Liz, The Possum, The Big Fish, everyone.
Two months before his death, at the opening in Zurich of his exhibition at the Graphische Sammlung der ETH - where his highly refined, formal concrete-poetry works of the '40s could be viewed as well as the fantastic volumes of poems and drawings from the '70s like "Scheisse" (Shit), "Mehr Scheisse" (More shit), "Gesamte Scheisse" (Complete shit), "Verdammte Scheisse" (Damned shit), "Verdammte Gesamte Kacke" (Damned complete crap), and "Gesamte Verdammte Kacke" (Complete damned crap) - a memorable encounter between two artistic worlds took place.