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Synonyms for seeker

a person who applies for or seeks something, such as a job or position

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for seeker

someone making a search or inquiry

a missile equipped with a device that is attracted toward some kind of emission (heat or light or sound or radio waves)

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Asylum seekers mobilised on Tuesday in Nicosia in a peaceful demonstration seeking to raise awareness regarding their limited employment opportunities as well as exploitative and abusive work conditions.
THE number of asylum seekers receiving support in Merseyside is on the rise.
The Czech Republic took in just one asylum seeker for every 423,153 of its 10.6 million-strong population.
In the UK, at the last election, the Conservatives said they were committed to ensuring Britain "remain[ed] a place of sanctuary for refugees", l C the seekers are have fled for safety country while also pledging to reduce the number of asylum seekers arriving in the country.
Because cover letters are customized per position, the option of adding a video cover letter will appear after the job seeker selects the position and starts the application process.
Cabinet members were told in an officers' report that indirect costs - such as staff time - to the council could be in the region of [pounds sterling]4,000 for each asylum seeker.
Air Force Research Laboratory, has awarded BAE Systems a $13.1M contract to demonstrate a new, cost-effective optical seeker for precision-guided munitions.
Data for the 2018 Job Seeker Confidence Survey was collected online from 18 th January 2018 to 11 th February 2018.
The second group of asylum seekers brought to Latvia is likely to get refugee status soon but there are problems with finding housing for them as they are supposed to leave the asylum seeker centre upon receiving refugee status.
Cardiff was the first place in Wales to appear in the list, coming in at fifth, with one asylum seeker per 263 people living in the local authority area.
The capital was the first Welsh place to appear in the list, coming in at fifth with one asylum seeker per 263 people living in the local authority area.
Abullah Hussaini is another asylum seeker who broke his leg while he was playing football, the night before he was deported.