seed oyster

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a young oyster especially of a size for transplantation

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Total oyster density, seed oyster density, and mussel density were higher at the nonharvested site (70.5 individuals/tray [SE 4.5], 43.1 individuals/tray [SE 3.9], 1424.7 individuals/tray [SE 22.5], respectively) than at the harvested site (20.7 individuals/tray [SE 1.1], 6.0 individuals/tray [SE 0.7], 54.7 individuals/tray [SE 5.7], respectively).
Seed oyster growth responded to the combination of linear temperature, linear salinity, and the quadratic temperature term in the response surface regressions (Table 3; Fig.
With the harbor as its oystering center, Connecticut became a large producer of market oysters, and it also supplied other areas, such as Narragansett Bay, R.I.; Wellfleet Harbor, Mass.; and Great South Bay, Peconic Bay, and Northport Bay, N.Y., with most of their seed oysters (Fig.
The full factorial study was conducted twice for each oyster size class, except for seed oysters, which was carried out three times.
Areas were prepared in the Lower Machodoc Creek, Virginia, by the initial application of shell to insure a stable substrate under planted seed oysters. Seed oysters were planted using standard industry methods.
Harvest in the Piankatank River is limited to a well-regulated seed oyster fishery that has been executed for in excess of 25 y, and for which long-term monitoring of both oyster recruitment (reviewed in Southworth and Mann (2004, 2013)) and disease (both Perkinsus marinus and Haplosporidium nelsoni) (e.g., Carnegie & Burreson 2011) occur.
Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) on Delaware Bay seed oyster beds: a host parasite relationship along a salinity gradient.
Seed oyster was obtained from the Xiangshan Bay (29[degrees]30' 34.1 "N, 121[degrees]28'39.2" E), approximately 160 km southwest of the DNCRP.
Approximately 6,000 seed oysters from each of the four test lines (3N DEBY, 3N hANA, 3N Northern, and 2N DEBY) were used in the experiment.
"Prior to that, the industry harvested anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of our annual production for marketable oysters, and all of the seed oysters that were planted on private leases," he said.
Island shore, who depend so largely for their seed oysters on the
It further demonstrates the importance of the development of different conditioning techniques that will allow the native breeding stock to produce gametes that will enable the development of larvae that can produce seed oysters for oyster farming.