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Related to scrupulousness: unnerving, all-around, extensively, perpetually
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Synonyms for scrupulousness

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The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for scrupulousness

  • Roget's
  • WordNet

nounconformity to high standards of ethics or excellence

nounstrict attention to minute details

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
From one paragraph to the next, I spoke of a display of humble scrupulousness in McKegney's article, vigilant conscientiousness performed strenuously and effectively in the other articles in the set, a tone of ethical righteousness in Kuttainen's "urgent" inquiry, and a strenuously energetic and insightful critical practice in Kerber's.
Due to his scrupulousness he declined his inheritance of about seventy thousand dirhams that his father had left him because of the latter's Mu'tazili leanings.
exercise his authority with "scrupulousness and caution." (48)
I think Beckett's scrupulousness here in part rhetorical, as a move against biographical reductionism as much as it is an honest self-appraisal.
"I deliberately assumed the calm and sober language of the witness," he wrote, "not the lament of the victim or the anger of the avenger." His profession, he added, "educated me to concreteness and precision, to the habit of 'weighing' each word with the same scrupulousness as someone carrying out a quantitative analysis." Levi's model, he told Philip Roth in 1986, "was that of the 'weekly report' commonly used in factories: it must be precise, concise, and written in a language comprehensible to everybody in the industrial hierarchy."
When applied to public officials, the Spanish term delicadeza means much more than its literal meaning - scrupulousness, honesty, fineness, softness, tenderness, and delicateness.
The scrupulousness with which these histories unfold and develop, coupled with the author's profound understanding of the milieu, and its media and film, makes this book a must read for anyone interested in contemporary Iran and its extraordinary cinema.
But they range dramatically in their scrupulousness. Recent reports have alleged that agencies in China are falsifying information, inventing student bios, writing student essays, and manipulating transcripts.
At the significance level of p < .001 significant positive correlations were found between the following subfactors (see Table 2): dynamism and D, cooperativeness, scrupulousness, PE, OC, and OE; D and scrupulousness, PE, and OC; scrupulousness and PE, OC, and OE; PE, OC, and OE; emotion control (EC) and IC; OC and OE.
"There are many practices that escape the EU's scrupulousness," points out Hilbrand: encouragement to invest in research and development (especially in France), special schemes for intellectual property, deductibility of notional interest, transfer pricing, tonnage tax in maritime transport, box system introduced recently in the UK, etc.
Reading this book may not be easy, but the effort is compensated by the accurateness and scrupulousness of its description.
He assesses the considerable theoretical insights of his subject with an admirable scrupulousness and the comradely eye of a contemporary.
scrupulousness of their research, their publications, and their peers.