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a guard at an airport who checks passengers or their luggage at a security checkpoint

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References in periodicals archive ?
This will allow screeners to quickly become familiar with them, plugging potential security holes in the fastest way.
Screener enables organisations to test their UI across multiple browsers, devices and operating systems to automatically detect visual regressions and spot inconsistencies, ensuring users have the right visual experience regardless of how they view an application.
He grabbed the screener's ID and took a photo of it.
This (piracy of Urian screeners) is not a new issue,' filmmaker Gutierrez Mangansakan II wrote on Facebook on July 6.
The VeroVision Mail Screener is a non-contact imaging device, intended to detect concealed narcotics that are sent through the mail to inmates.
As the number of travelers has grown since 2011, the number of TSA screeners has failed to keep pace.
Cervical screeners are responsible for the accuracy of their own work, therefore they have a high level of responsibility.
Unlike conventional screeners using band-clamp arrangements, these can be more difficult to dismantle and often require tools.
The former screener states that there are a few "delusional zealots who believe they're keeping America safe by taking your snow globe, your 2-inch pocket knife, your 4-ounce bottle of shampoo and performing invasive pat-downs on your kids." The rest "know their job is a complete joke." Indeed, notes the author, when the TSA does make good hires, these people "just don't last because they can get a normal job."
ALLU D-Series Screener Crusher Bucket attachments are available in over 60 models to fit any excavator, wheel loader, skid steer or backhoe.
(1016 to 1829 mm) in diameter, and is available as a retrofit kit for any make of circular vibratory screener. The upper portion of the circular screen flame is tapered to reduce the diameter and weight of the dust cover for easy handling.
of Millburn, New Jersey, USA, says its new vibratory screener discharges oversize particles 360[degrees] around the periphery of a circular screening deck to increase capacity, improve efficiency, minimize screen blinding and prolong screen life.