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Synonyms for satisfy




comply with



  • fail to meet
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for satisfy

to be satisfactory to


to grant or have what is demanded by (a need or desire)

to cause (another) to believe or feel sure about something

to set right by giving what is due

to supply fully or completely

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for satisfy

meet the requirements or expectations of

make happy or satisfied



Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Gbassakollie, specifically the result from Salala District, Lower Bong County, 19 out of 24 respondents are not satisfied with water and sanitation, while 17 out of 24 are not satisfied about education, 21 out 24 not satisfy with healthcare, 24 out of 24 not satisfy about security, 22 out of 24 not satisfy with orientation and empowerment, 22 out 24 not satisfy about reconciliation, and 14 out of 24 not satisfy about corruption and accountability, respectively.
A non-spouse beneficiary will be permitted to roll over benefits from a plan to an IRA so that the IRA, rather than the plan, can satisfy the minimum distributions due the beneficiary.
The Ninth Circuit also agreed with the Tax Court that Biehl did not satisfy the business connection test.
This is a sad and lonely way of life, and reinforces the need, and, most importantly the motivation to satisfy unsatisfied needs."
Other companies simply buy or sell basic commodities, which, by their nature, are readily convertible to cash and thus satisfy this third point.
Hodge advised that the company has worked diligently over the past 3 months introducing changes needed to satisfy the new standards.
At the household level, variety-seeking may also occur because of the attempt to satisfy different users within the household.
12 (S X T) + 1,000 U > 28,000 (1), and a cord diameter L (mm) of said PVA fiber cord and said end count T per 5 cm satisfy the following relationship: [Graph Omitted]
He converted the problem into an equivalent mathematical form that enabled him to pick out candidates likely to satisfy Euler's equation.
To satisfy the COI requirement, a significant portion of the consideration received by the target shareholders should consist of instruments that carry the required degree of proprietary interest, such as stock of the issuing corporation.
Regrettably, the proposed Interpretation's usage of "probable" is confusing because the ordinary dictionary sense of "probable" is "likely to occur." Thus, although a "more likely than not" level of confidence might be expected to satisfy the recognition standard, the proposed Interpretation explains that the "probable" level of confidence is intended to be "consistent with its use in paragraph 3(a) of FAS 5...." In addition, the term "probable" in FAS 5 "does not mean virtually certain [but] is a higher level of likelihood than 'more likely than not.'" (14) Audit firms and enterprises have generally adopted a rule of thumb that a "probable" level of confidence under paragraph 3(a) of FAS 5 requires a 70- to 75-percent likelihood.
In view of these requirements, members should satisfy themselves regarding the competence, practices and procedures of any third party provider, regardless of the type of services provided of the location at which they are performed.
In August of 1997, Elsie Negrin, in preparation for selling her condominium apartment, asked her lender, Norwest Mortgage, Inc., for a payoff letter to ascertain the exact amount necessary to satisfy its mortgage.
62% were taking the online course to satisfy a degree or certificate requirement.
Medical managers should minimally satisfy the needs of marginal stakeholders while they maximally satisfy the needs of key stakeholders.