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Antonyms for satisfactorily

in a satisfactory manner

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References in classic literature ?
I couldn't have felt really and satisfactorily fine and proud and set-up over any title except one that should come from the nation itself, the only legitimate source; and such an one I hoped to win; and in the course of years of honest and honorable endeavor, I did win it and did wear it with a high and clean pride.
Miss Dearborn gave her every sort of subject that she had ever been given herself: Cloud Pictures; Abraham Lincoln; Nature; Philanthropy; Slavery; Intemperance; Joy and Duty; Solitude; but with none of them did Rebecca seem to grapple satisfactorily.
The second conclusion is that all the deputations composing the convention were satisfactorily accommodated by the final act, or were induced to accede to it by a deep conviction of the necessity of sacrificing private opinions and partial interests to the public good, and by a despair of seeing this necessity diminished by delays or by new experiments.
The officers and scientists aboard often discussed the beast, but they were unable to account satisfactorily for the strange ceremony with which he greeted each new face.
The Indian satisfactorily proved that the horse had been stolen from him some time previous, by some unknown thief.
In fact, these singular explosions have received fanciful explanations from learned men, and have not been satisfactorily accounted for even by philosophers.
He said that the working rate on projects is satisfactorily and the contractors were busy in completing their respective schemes.
Kamada announced receipt of a letter from the FDA stating that the company has satisfactorily addressed the concerns and questions regarding its inhaled Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, or Inhaled AAT, program for the treatment of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, or AATD, previously communicated by the FDA.
They have conducted many tests for various jobs satisfactorily.
To a question, he said RTS is working satisfactorily.
The letter said, 'Therefore, for the accomplishment of the said task, satisfactorily, uninterrupted power supply is essential, till completion of counting process on the polling day'.
The board of OSK Holdings Berhad is confident the group will continue to perform satisfactorily throughout 2018, as it posted RM94.8 million in pre-tax profits during the first quarter of the year.
The existing banknote denominations satisfactorily meet the payment, settlement and other allied needs of the economy and thus there is no need for issuing higher denomination banknotes.
LAHORE -- All Pakistan Wapda Hydro Electric Workers ' union has demanded of the government to regularize the staff members working satisfactorily on contractual basis for years.