"With sudden energy the old lady plucked off the cover, and there lay Sally with her hair dressed .
"At the sound of Miss Cotton's horrified exclamation Sally woke up, and began laughing so merrily that none of us could resist following her example, and the rooms rang with merriment far many minutes.
Poor, dear, giddy Sally Pomroy, and she 's a great-grandmother now!" cried the old lady, after reading one of the notes, and clearing the mist off her glasses.
As Mr Brass and Miss Sally looked up to ascertain the cause, the top sash was nimbly lowered from without, and Quilp thrust in his head.
'Is that my Sally?' croaked the dwarf, ogling the fair Miss Brass.
'There she is,' said Quilp, stopping short at the door, and wrinkling up his eyebrows as he looked towards Miss Sally; 'there is the woman I ought to have married--there is the beautiful Sarah-- there is the female who has all the charms of her sex and none of their weaknesses.
The first present he gave Sally in his capacity of fiance was a dog.
Sally loved it, and took it with her wherever she went.
It is possible that a judicious meekness on Sally's part might have averted disaster.
She doesn't want you to fuss about, do you, Sally? And she won't think it rude of you to sit still while she waits upon you.
Sally brought them plates of rice pudding, rich, creamy, and luscious.
When Sally marries she will forget many of the wise things I have taught her, but she will never forget that if you want to be good and happy you must eat on Sundays roast beef and rice pudding."
"Why, Aunt
Sally, there ain't but nine spoons YET."
"Goodness gracious!" aunt Pullet exclaimed, after preluding by an inarticulate scream; "keep her at the door, Sally! Don't bring her off the oil-cloth, whatever you do."
"If you please, 'um, it was Miss Maggie as pushed her in," said Sally; "Master Tom's been and said so, and they must ha' been to the pond, for it's only there they could ha' got into such dirt."