saddle shoe

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Synonyms for saddle shoe

an oxford with a saddle of contrasting color

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References in periodicals archive ?
Monae, who makes an androgynous fashion statement with her uniform of saddle shoes, suit and string tie, has awesome hair that she styles with a toaster-like contraption designed by a hairbender friend.
We wore pants and long-sleeved shirts; the girls wore skirts and blouses with bobby socks and saddle shoes. We had no idea what "smoking dope" or "getting it on" meant.
"Dots are like saddle shoes and guys need a certain amount of confidence to feel comfortable wearing them." But in the current wave of meticulous Americans, no slapdash spot will do.
For Anne's look, pair saddle shoes with an Oxford shirt and a vest.
Early American hits for the label included Sammy Turner's Lavender Blue and Bobby Pendrick's White Bucks And Saddle Shoes.
I was also the tallest girl in my class, and my gawkiness was made worse by a uniform and saddle shoes.
In March Ballet San Jose strapped on their saddle shoes, slipped into poodle skirts, and sock-hopped back in time in Dennis Nahat's Blue Suede Shoes (1997).
Designed to resemble a 1930s soda fountain, the style of the cafes is sufficiently authentic that it would not be a surprise to see a group of female teenagers in sweaters, saddle shoes and bobby socks gulping down their sodas there.
Tickets to the "Rockin' Our Community" gala are $50, and attendees are encouraged to slip on their saddle shoes, press their poodle skirts and come in 1950s costume.
as I began doing bizarrely dangerous things like not wearing underpants to school in the hope that in class Sister Clara who was teaching math would look up my skirt while I was sitting at my desk, see my vizzy and throw me out of Saint Theresa's because I never wanted to be there anyhow,--that kind of shameless insanity because to wear a starched white shirt, a maroon necktie, a short gray pleated skirt, high white socks, blue and white saddle shoes and no underpants to a Catholic school for girls was tantamount to the most abject criminal behavior, and why?--because Otto Von Ochsenstein ...