running pop

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Synonyms for running pop

tropical American passion flower with finely dissected bracts

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"It's a little bit different to a farmers' market," added Deri who also has a stall at the popular Riverside market on Sunday mornings as well as running pop up supper clubs.
and Philosophy" is well worth considering for modern philosophy collections, a fine addition to Open Court's long running Pop Culture and Philosophy Series.
But it was also the death of Top Of The Pops in 2006 after more than 40 years of hits on TV's longest running pop show.
The Drifters are one of the longest running pop groups in history.
He said the pressure of running pop's biggest ever charity event got to him as people hounded him on the streets, literally pushing money for the Third World charity into his pockets.