Keen recently took photos of a woman who had been married a year and put on her wedding dress to take it for a swim in the Taylor River near the River Queen boat, roll around in mud and take a stroll through a nearby construction site.
Pete Versus Life Channel 4, 10pm Funnier than a YouTube montage of footballers' being hit in the groin, this homegrown comedy will make you roll around your living room floor in hysterics.
ROLL AROUND HEAVEN: AN ALL-TRUE ACCIDENTAL SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE tells of a spiritual awakening that involved author Jessica Maxwell in a journey to personal peace and discovery.
Firefighters think the fire burned through the handbrake cable, causing the blazing car to roll around 150ft down the road before smashing into a fence and small wall.
I am sure they would have got a far better percentage rate if the men who did the collecting picked up all the plastic bottles and tins that either are blown out, dropped, or fall out of the recycling boxes and roll around the estate where I live.
These plants are sculpted by nature--uprooted, they roll and roll around the landscape, simultaneously dead and mobile, wind and rock abrading them into rough, round shapes.