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Synonyms for revived

restored to consciousness or life or vigor

given fresh life or vigor or spirit


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References in classic literature ?
In the course of a few weeks Tess revived sufficiently to show herself so far as was necessary to get to church one Sunday morning.
"I am afraid I have ignorantly revived some painful associations.
He admitted that "painful associations" had been revived, and deplored the "nervous sensibility" which had permitted it to be seen.
She was a little revived, however, by his bringing back his coffee cup himself; and she seized the opportunity of saying,
That evening (the evening of the 27th) Madame Rubelle and I took our revived "Anne Catherick" to the Asylum.
"I am neither the Abbe Busoni nor Lord Wilmore," said Monte Cristo; "think again, -- do you not recollect me?" Those was a magic effect in the count's words, which once more revived the exhausted powers of the miserable man.
I soaked some crumbled morsels of biscuit in the wine, and, little by little, I revived her failing strength by nourishment administered at intervals in that cautious form.
And though nobody wants it revived just according to the bible so it's revied in aspic, it's the thing that everyone goes back to for the accuracy of the piece."
DTH also revived two of artistic director Arthur Mitchell's works.
ABT's production will feature reproductions of the original sets and costumes by Birger Bergling, on loan from Louisville Ballet, which revived the ballet in 1991.
Last season the ballet ensemble of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb revived Devil in the Village, an internationally known piece to music of Fran Lotka, following the version by Pio and Pina Mlakar.
'International Squash tournaments have already been revived in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi while Peshawar will be the next city for hosting the tournaments,' he said.
The revived A320 and Boeing 777 aircraft would be utilised for Haj operation, he added.
The town's deteriorating river will be revived, residents say, as they remember the Pagoda tragedy where 270 people died during a fluvial procession 26 years ago.