return key

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Related to return key: carriage return key
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the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The next time they pressed the return key the trial would begin.
This little trick eliminates the need to hit the return key before you can move.
Whenever you've clicked into an edit field and typed a number, you probably have figured out already that you need to press the Enter or Return key to apply the new value.
Up to a million members of Standard Life are at risk of missing out on windfalls by failing to return key documents ahead of the insurer's landmark flotation.
ALMOST one million Standard Life members could miss out on cash windfalls when the insurer float on the stock market - because they have yet to return key documents.
Also, avoid programming your form so that the return key submits the form.
Its body was mirror-finished titanium with a freon-release return key and neon-lit space bar.
At the end of the line, touch the return key, then you'll be ready to start your line of s's.
When you are finished pressing the colored keys, you must press the RETURN key to proceed.
If it ends with a period because the Web address was at the end of a sentence in the email, delete the period and press the Return key to try the address again.
Students were trained in a sequence for entering their word and understood to listen for their word when they hit the return key.
Log onto any Internet search engine, and type the words "Hawaii politics." Then hit the return key. What you will find is homepage after homepage for local candidates, political parties and activists.