return address

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Words related to return address

the address of the sender of a letter or parcel indicating where it should be returned if it cannot be delivered

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References in periodicals archive ?
"They should have a return address, just in case," she agreed.
He then mails the tapes to the next person on the list, "forgetting" to put his return address on the plain brown package.
For that reason, I don't recommend using a return address that gives away the game about the sender.
"People should put a return address on the outside of the envelope.
This gnomic stand-in for legible text is punctuated by series of numbers or passages of German prose, black-and-white photographs, or stamped labels reminiscent of the return address and postmark on envelopes.
One of the most insidious Internet scams involves link alteration, whereby the return address in a Web page is sent to the hacker's site rather than to the legitimate site.
Royal Mail customer service adviser Joan Siddron wrote: "Unfortunately when postcards display a return address, we occasionally deliver them back to the sender by mistake.
The Brokaw letter had no return address, I elaborated, while the return address on the Daschle letter was a fictitious New Jersey elementary school.
In late October of last year the VP American Gilsenite Company in Vernal, Utah, received an envelope with no return address or name of the sender.
According to an Orlando, Fla., television report, an anthrax-laced letter contained the return address of an Orlando company.
One advantage MediTape Reports offer is flexibility: They now come in seven sizes, from as large as a bumper sticker to as small as a return address label.
Taxpayers should take extra care when providing a return address. Often, numbers are transposed or information is incomplete.
Compilations are available showing migration patterns, from where to where, by State, based on year-to-year changes in the individual income tax return address. Selected data are available (according to the years in which the returns were filed) for all years between 1989 and 1999 and include counts of the number of returns and the number of personal exemptions (which can be used to approximate population).
Further identifiers include a return address ZIP code that does not match the accepting post office ZIP code or a fictitious return address.